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How to save money on purchases for school?

The end of summer is a big headache for many parents because it is necessary to think about how to buy everything they need to get the children back to school. The list of school supplies can be quite long and, therefore, the total amount that can be issued for as many as hundreds of euros. Needless to say, a large part of parents do not have such free funds and then they only have to take out loans or get money elsewhere. Fortunately, it is possible to do without it if you make the right shopping for the school and look for smart ways to save money. Here are some examples of how to do this.


Don’t delay shopping for the last minute


The first and most important rule for not having to worry about big spending is to make timely purchases. Start shopping at least a month before the school starts. This will help you make better, more thoughtful purchases, as there will be more time to think about what is needed and will save you money, as prices just before the start of school are always raised and you will also have more time to compare prices with different traders. Likewise, timely shopping will help to distribute costs more evenly and will not have to spend huge sums in one day.


Make a list and stick to it

Make a list and stick to it

Most often, the purchase of school supplies is done in a chaotic way, and therefore it is much better to miss. Going to the store, neither the parents nor the children themselves know exactly how many notebooks, notebooks, pens and other accessories are needed, so everything is bought in bulk. If the choice is left to the learner, then much more can be bought at all because the children just like new things. Make a shopping list carefully before you go to the store. You can also buy something in the reserve, but in general the list will allow you to stick to the planned purchases and not buy any unnecessary items.


Make sure something is left over from previous year’s purchases

Make sure something is left over from previous year

As has already been mentioned, many purchases are often made with a large margin when shopping. Not many of the school supplies remain unused, so before shopping, it is very useful to search cabinets, shelves, and drawers to see if much of what you need is not already purchased. Also, make sure things like the school bag, sports suit pencil etc. are not in good condition to use for another school year. Of course, the child wants everything new every year, but if the items from the previous year are not worn out, it makes no sense to buy new ones.


Books Buy Used

Books Buy Used

Most of the money is often spent directly on textbooks. Schools usually offer most of them for rent, but not all. If you need to buy three or four new books, you may have to spend tens of euros, so it’s better to look for used books. As it was, these books were pre-purchased by senior students and they are no longer needed. If you have the opportunity, be sure to buy used books, as this will save you a lot of money.


Sell ​​old items and books yourself

Sell ​​old items and books yourself

Unless this is your first year of schooling, you probably have some books and other items that could be sold to younger schoolchildren. These items will certainly be in demand because all parents want to save and you will be able to get some money to buy school supplies for your child. Many parents even make up special groups for social networks to buy, sell, or exchange school items. Be sure to join one of them.

As you can see, there are many ways to save money on school supplies and cut huge spending. If you take all this into account and look for other ways to make purchases yourself, getting ready for school will be more peaceful and financially more rewarding.